Friday, March 16, 2012

until then

I originally started this blog as a new years resolution and a sort of memoir of my time through my last year of nursing school.  I thought it would be a good way to share my experiences with friends and family, or even a few others who might find this journey interesting.
I have found reading other peoples experiences through life so interesting, motivating, and inspiring.  All I wanted from this blog was to maybe do the same for one other person.  
Unfortunately there are people out there looking for any chance to throw you under the bus.
I would like to continue writing about my nursing school experience but due to recent events I no longer feel comfortable.
It's unfortunate to go through a program like this, seeing the same people every day, thinking we all have each others backs and then to see something so two faced occur.
Although I'm sure I could continue this blog without any major problems, my priority has to be my education, I am unwilling to take any risk of that being tampered with.
 I am hoping to start my blog up again, after this all blows over.
Until then...
Thank for reading :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Back to the grind

WOW!! I can't believe I went a whole month without blogging (fail).  Seriously though, what a way to enter the blogging world.  I would like to blame my absence on this crazy busy term but that would be unfair to all of you who live the craziest of lives and still have time to be avid, loyal bloggers.  
This term has been a little intense though.  We started our Mental Health clinicals and let me tell you... Well actually I can't (Sorry! HIPAA spoils all the fun I know).  
Personally though this term has really been quite the emotional roller coaster.  We start this mental health rotation with preconceived notions on what it is going to be like, how the patients will act.  Many of us scared to walk onto the unit because of the unknown. 
Though I cannot say what I do or what I see, I can tell you I leave most days humbled.  I feel an honor to work with these patients.  To be allowed into their lives at one of the, if not the, most vulnerable point in their life, very thankful for this opportunity that so few people get to experience.  It really makes you more compassionate and understanding.
  Though this is not the hardest term physically, mentally I leave drained, almost more tired than our standard 12hr constantly moving shifts.
On a lighter note... I recently moved my grad date up!! YAY! now I will be officially done in JANUARY, sooo exciting.

Well better hit the books
Thanks for reading :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Case of the "shoulds"

As we start this new term of school, and with any new term I always say I'm going to be more organized, study more, sleep more, take better care of myself in general.  
It's almost like new years resolutions every nine weeks.
We are only 3 days in and I'm already feeling overwhelmed and behind.
(Guess that's what I get for complaining about how easy/unchallenging last term was.
Don't get me wrong, I actually am enjoying my classes so far.  It's just it seems the more busy I get, the more I tend to shut down.  
For instance, I want to read more non-school books, but when I pick one up I think I "should" be reading a my text book.  I want to go to the gym but when I'm there I feel I "should" be studying.  I love to cook homemade meals, but I could be writing a paper, cleaning my room, or studying meds in that time instead.
 all the back and forth of what I want to do and what I "should" do is exhausting and I find myself in a vegetative state on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy convincing myself "this is studying. I'm learning something here".  
yeah right.
So I reach out to you blog world/fellow nursing students.  How do you get everything done while enjoying the perks of life without feeling totally guilty??

A little something to remember...
Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

nursing school woes

As finals approach I find myself getting more and more excited for the next term to start.  It seems I always check out of the class I currently am in and get excited for the next.  As I mentioned prior, our mental health clinical is up next.  Not only am I totally stoked to start back up in the hospital (we had a little break from that this last term), but I also can't wait for the new experience.  Unfortunately clinical has gotten a little routine thus far (I haven't been so lucky as to watch a surgery or be sent to ER yet).  
I feel as though I am the only one excited for this rotation.  Everyone seems to be scared or hesitant, I honestly CANNOT wait!!
Hopefully I wont be completely disappointed, or totally suck at it :/ 
On another note, sometimes I do wonder who in their right mind makes our schedules though.  I know this is what comes with this type of schooling and I'm sure (I know) others have it much worse.  But really?? Class until 10:30 the night before having to be at the hospital 6:30 the next morning??? (plus 45 min commute)  Oh well at least it's only that one day.  The rest of the week is pretty doable.

Anyway thanks for letting me vent a bit
and thanks for reading :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Back to Reality

I know we've been back to school for a week now from winter break but today really shocked me back to reality.  I don't know about the rest of you but I know I always say I'll keep up on my studies during time off... yeah... right
Nothing says welcome back like a big fat stats test.  Little did I know how little I knew (??)
I think I managed to not totally blow it, but let me tell you.  It. was. not. good.
For any of you who are actually good at this, I applaud you.
For any of you who are nurses/in the medical field, do I need to know this?? 
Didn't think so.
Anyway, moving on.
The break was good, great even.  Got to go home and visit friends and family.  Though I've noticed, going home is hardly a vacation at all.  I think it's the most stressed I've been all term actually.  Making sure you see everyone, driving back and forth between family and friends (friends are in SC, family is over the hill). Basically I needed a vacation from my vacation.
Somehow with all the things to do, places to be, and people to see this always calms me down

Home sweet home :)
I miss seeing this every day.  But it is so absolutely wonderful to go back to.

Thanks for reading :)

Monday, January 2, 2012


So another new years has come and gone.  I'm usually opposed to setting any type of new years resolution (last year was to eat less pizza... yea right).  Starting a blog was one that I thought might actually stick, not sure why but whatevs.  So far so good!  I also try to have as little expectations about new years eve.  Between getting an outfit, planning where to go, who to go with, and so on it just hardly seems worth it.  Then there's the new years kiss...  This is my first single new year in some time so I knew that was NOT going to happen (for some reason beginning the new year kissing some random drunk a** hole doesn't seem quite right).  So yeah, I decided to celebrate the night like any other night I go out with good friends.  The only differences I found were these:
1.  No amount of sparkle is too much on NYE
2.  There's this countdown thing right before midnight which usually includes a complementary glass of champagne (I'll take it!)
3.  Random people seem to think it's ok to shove their tongues down your throat come 12am (just because I'm not kissing anyone does not mean I want to be assaulted by your mouth)
4.  Poppers, horns, whistles, etc.  will be blown in your face all night

(Before we went out. Not the best photo but you get it.)

All in all it was a good NYE.  Got out of LA and hung out with good friends.  Isn't that what its all about anyway??
Now it's time to rest, relax, and get ready for school to start again (wahh)

Thanks for reading!!
LC :)